Want to find out how to have a perfect event in Santa Fe? Our checklist will guide you through every step of creating a wonderful event.
Download the checklist in PDF Format
- Establish event goals and objectives
- Select date
- Identify venue and negotiate details
- Negotiate with hotel and or Convention Center for:
- meeting rooms
- sleeping rooms
- audio/visual equipment
- food/beverages
- Book meeting site and support services. (Check calendar of local events to avoid conflicting or inappropriate dates
- Develop Event Master Plan
- Determine the objective of the meeting and develop the program and budget
- Get cost estimates (e.g., room rental, food & beverages, equipment, speaker fees, travel, etc.) and create a budget
- Recruit event committee, event manager or chair and establish sub-committee chairs
- Create and launch publicity plan & brand your event (ensure staff and/or volunteers are identified to manage specific tasks – e.g., media relations, VIP coordination, printed material design & printing coordination, signage, online /social media, etc.)
- Invite speakers and inform them about your attendees and the facilities of the hotel, including audiovisual capabilities
- Confirm speakers/presenters/entertainers
- Identify and contact sponsors/partners
- Registration fees
- Set up/enable online registration
- Sponsor levels/amounts
- Send letters of agreement to hotel and suppliers
- Set up master account for your meeting charges with the hotel (authorize who can sign charges)
- Notify attendees
- Make travel arrangements
*start your planning as early as possible.
- Create timeline and checklist
- Develop, design and distribute meeting promotion and marketing materials
- Get bio information, photo
- Finalize presentation/speech topics
- Create meeting invitation list
- E-mail meeting announcement to invitation list
- Receive and process registration forms
- Create participant confirmation letter
- Collect information on speakers/facilitators
- E-mail participant confirmation letter and travel information sheet
- Arrange and finalize all catering
- Investigate need for any special permits, licenses, insurance, etc.
- Determine and arrange all details regarding menu, A/V equipment, registration set-up, parking, signage, etc.
- Review security needs/plan for the event with venue manager
- Develop draft program
- Create draft event script (e.g., MC, speaker introductions, thanks, closing, etc.)
- Develop publicity pieces -- e.g., newsletter articles and/or ads, radio spots, print blog posts articles for submission to other publications and/or ads, etc.
- Request logos from corporate sponsors for online and printed materials
- Develop and produce invitations, programs, posters, tickets, etc.
- Develop media list & prepare News Release, Media Advisory, Backgrounder and all media kit materials (e.g., speaker info, photos, etc.)
- Create event page on your website
- Enable/create email event notifications
- Create a Facebook event page
- Develop a promo video and post on YouTube and your Facebook page
- Register your event on a variety of online event calendars
- Create some buzz on your blog or member forums
- Determine VIPs and create invitation & tracking document (e.g., spreadsheet)
- Send guest rooming list to the hotel
- Monitor individual reservation call-in (observing hotel cut-off date for making reservations)
- Prepare travel information sheet
- Local transportation
- Directions/maps
- Self-pay participants
- Sponsored event
- Coordinate participant air travel with designated travel agent
- Send reminders to contact list re registration/participation
- Confirm travel/accommodation details
- Request copy of speeches and/or presentations
- Sponsorship: Follow up to confirm sponsorships and underwriting
- Release press announcements about keynote speakers, celebrities, VIPs attending, honorees, etc.
- Post your initial event news release on your website and circulate to all partners, affiliated organizations, etc
- Confirm menus, room setups and supplies in writing with your event manager.
- Monitor speakers' presentation development and offer assistance in reproducing any handouts
- Order signs and printed materials
- Include the agendas, suggested dress and other instructions on your website
- Order gifts and amenities. Arrange deliveries of gifts (and meeting registration materials) with your hotel contact.
- Have all committee chairs meet and confirm all details against Master Plan – and ensure back-up plans are developed for any situation (e.g., back-up volunteers as VIP greeters, additional volunteers for registration or set-up, etc.)
- Finalize event script
- Brief any/all hosts, greeters, volunteers about their event duties and timelines
- Final seating plan, place cards, etc.
- Provide final registration numbers to caterer
- Make print and online copies of any speeches, videos, presentations, etc.
- Final registration check, name badges & registration list
- Determine photo op and interview opportunities with any presenters, VIPs etc. and confirm details with interviewee and media
- Check with your speakers regarding the progress of their presentations, audiovisual and logistical arrangements
- Submit rooming list to hotel and confirm arrangements for amenities
- Ship materials to arrive 24 hours before your arrival, and confirm arrival before leaving your office.
- Confirm all audiovisual requirements and produce slides
- Make arrangements for shipping materials back to your office after the meeting.
- Confirm (72 hours in advance) your meal and beverage counts for the first day food functions.
- Take a complete master set of all handouts with you. (If your shipment of materials is lost or delayed, you can arrange to have your master set photocopied.)
- Pre-conference meeting with necessary staff
- Create participant name tags
- Develop training/seminar/conference agenda
- Provide speaker(s) bio(s)
- Create final participant roster
- Alphabetize by participant last name
- Group by jurisdiction/state and alphabetize by participant last name
- Create participant tent cards, if needed
- Develop participant meeting evaluation form
- Assist with collecting meeting materials (printing, binders, packets, local restaurants/sites/ activities , etc.)
- Confirm media attending
- Ensure all signage is in place
- Ensure registration and media tables are prepared and stocked with necessary items (e.g., blank name badges, paper, pens, tape, stapler, etc.)
- Ensure all promo items, gifts, plaques, trophies, etc. are on-site
- Review details and walk through your meeting space with your property event manager
- Personally inspect shipped materials to be sure that all of your items have arrived and that they are in good condition
- Check the hotel function board and front desk for posted times and locations of your functions.
- Ensure you have copies of all instructions, directions, phone numbers, keys, extra parking permits for VIP guests, seating charts and guest lists with you
- Check-in with each Committee Chair to ensure their team is on track
- Conduct meeting registration
- Set up a resource room/display table
- Approve charges to Master Account on a daily basis
- Serve as primary hotel liaison/troubleshooter
- Check function space one hour in advance
- Notify your event manager immediately of any changes in your plans or requirements
- Sign banquet checks each day and keep an ongoing record of your on-site expenses
- Meet with your event manager to review your sessions, charges and receipts
- Share with your event manager the names of personnel who have provided extraordinary service.
- Collect participant evaluation forms
- Return shipment of meeting materials
- Review final meeting charges
- Update participant roster